Flatbroke Kounty

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well, another hectic week-end. MIL to the ER for an infection in her neck. Worked all night Sunday night on a semi-riot. BUT, things are looking up!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Not a good holiday! Sunday evening I was called to Brazoria County on a major disturbance - got back home Monday morning at 4:00 a.m. in a terrific thunderstorm. Monday 12:30 p.m. MIL was sent back to the ER with an infection in her right neck/ear area. However, the Dr quickly sent her back to the nursing home with an antibotic prescription. I'm tired and think I might go to bed early tonight.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Well, another week has crawled past. Not much to talk about. MIL is not doing very well. She has not eaten much in the last few days.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

MIL is out of the hospital and back into the nursing home. She is still confused but she is only three miles from our home instead of twenty miles to the hospital.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

No funny pictures today. Recent events have taken away the humor needed to create. MIL has improved but her best is not good. Actually, she is probably enjoying herself most of the time by visiting with family we can no longer see. Her future may be short or she could hang on for several years - who knows.

The job has gotten worse. Only me and one other investigator for 12,881 inmates in 8 units scattered from Houston to Beaumont. That does not include half-way houses and the Parole Division investigations we have been assigned. NO relief in sight! We swap on-call duties, meaning I am on-call for all of southeast Texas every other week. Then management wonders why we have lost 12 people in Region B (11 in the eastern part) in the past 10 or 11 months. More might be leaving soon. One would think such attrition would tell them something, but I guess not. There might not be a Region B soon. But, of course it is never management's fault.

Oh well, enough griping - does no good anyway. Time to get to bed so I can put in 10 more hours tomorrow. There is one bright spot in the future - the Federal guys told me I might get to fill an opening in their ranks in just 4 weeks!! YaHooo!!! No case load, supervisors with smarts, no on-call, weekends off, EVERYTHING needed is provided, and no more Zanax!

Bye Ya'll!! Flatbroke Kounty is signing off for the night

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Haven't been able to blog for the past few days. MIL is in the hospital with some kind of virus. Been there since Thursday evening. No better today. We do not know how long she go without keeping any food down. Zillions of tests but no apparent results yet.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I survived Mother's Day and now I have a trial starting Tuesday. Big dope case!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

OH NO!! Today is the 13th!

Friday, May 12, 2006

YEAH! Another weekend is here. Time to jump on the Flatbroke Area Rapid Transit truck and go to the beach!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Th' Shuriff is gonna end all thoughts by knucklehead inmates of escaping from the Flatbroke Kounty Jail.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

If you want to join the Flatbroke Kounty Shuriff's Department, be prepared for a tough application process, especially the interview. They don't pick just anybody who walks in!!

Here is an actual photograph of Captain Shane Gray when he and others stayed at the Stiles Unit during Hurricane Rita.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

WOW! Some good news finally arrived today! The light at the end of the tunnel was not a train after all. More to come in the next month or so. Todays photo was taken in the close custody shower area.

Monday, May 01, 2006

No comment today - just a cartoon.