Flatbroke Kounty

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Another week about to begin. It will be the same as last week except this one is labeled "May". I wonder what kind of surprises will pop up this first week of May?? For one thing, I will be working 10 hour days in an effort to organize the evidence room and try to close some cases. Oh, well.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

We actually had a trial in Flatbroke Kounty this week! Judge Les Burnum had to chastize the defense about his language.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Another @#!!### day at the office. Way too much going on for two investigators to handle!
Another retired! Can't be replaced in less than a year.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

We do have some folks spend a big chunk of their lives with the Flatbroke Department of Corrections!

Here is the Flatbroke Kounty Seal.

Well, another day in paradise! Our efforts to set up a hidden camera to catch some crooks went haywire when the crooks found the dang thang!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Welcome to Flatbroke Kounty Department of Krimnal Justis

Flatbroke Kounty is a criminal justice cartoon blog providing a humorous look into the daily activites of a tax-deficient county government striving to meet the demands of the few citizens who live in the county and the occasional visitor who stumbles into the area looking for some other place.

This first cartoon shows the highly trained Flatbroke Bureau of Investigations conducting a "crime seen" investigation. The Shuriff's Department thankfully does not get many opportunities to use the skills taught by the Flatbroke Law Enforcement Academy.