Flatbroke Kounty

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Intelligence Bulletin
The Flatbroke Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has identified an intelligence leak. Information contained in memos distributed through this network has been compromised by distribution to persons within Angelina and Cherokee Counties in East Texas. The source of the leak has been identified as a white (not confirmed) female using the name "Brenda" and also known as "She's-why-our-kids-are-ugly". This alias must be of foreign origin and may have ties to other persons of interest in East Texas. She has been known to associate with an older, bearded subject who looks somewhat like Ben Lauden. The Flatbroke Armed Response Team (FART) was dispatched to the area recently and found that the subject and the older male have made frequent trips to an East Texas lake where that have apparently met covertly with several suspicious persons who are using the undercover names of "Crappie", "Catfish", "Perch", and "Big Mouth". Our intelligence sources have also determined that "Brenda" and her companion have been known to sell explosives, perticularily in July and December.
Consider these subjects dangerous. Their known history, habits, and associates clearly indicate that one or both of them may be throwed off.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger P said...

Dear Shuriff,
There must be something wrong with the air in Silsbee.

“Brenda” is the “Most Beautiful” in all the state of Texas, and not just the eastern area. However, I have no explanation for her association with the “bearded one” and his weird folks.

Shuriff, you better get those eyeballs checked before the FART gets on your behind.

At 8:11 PM, Blogger nana puddin said...

Well Shuriff,
So much for your UN-intelligence leak.I am known round these parts as Nana-Puddin. As for Crappie, Catfish, Perch & Big Mouth, they ain't talkin....They are on ice. the "bearded one" yeah he talks but nobody listens. I've been havin my good eye on your department for sum time now, and i reckon you been havin a tough time keeping your Fart's going downwind. I read about you trying to be movin in my Kounty, I'll ask God to send me a letter through a burning bush to tell me yea or nay. when I figure out it's His handwritin I'll be lettin you know.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger K said...

You guys are crazy. Are you sure we're related??! Would love to see you next time we're over! Give my love to Angela.


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