Flatbroke Kounty

Sunday, July 09, 2006

GEE WHIZ!! Had a homicide the 30th, an unattended death the 5th, and 12,800 inmates that could keep me out all night at any time. One investigator for 8 units that stretch across 90 miles of Gulf Coast and the boss says no help is available because the travel budget is shot. Okay, let's hope nothing happens that would normally require numerous investigators - such as a hurricane, another homicide, an escape, etc. - we could not respond because the agency could not pay the motel bills! Whoa! That means that this agency is basically shut down?? STG was told in last month's meeting to proceed with their investigations as though OIG did not exist. That is a good example of our reputation and ability to respond. Sad, isn't it! BUT, I'm told things are looking up! Yea, you bet.


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